Thursday, September 22, 2016

Week 2 - some slip ups and set backs

My second week on the FODMAP elimination phase went pretty well. I did experience some lower GI pain on two nights, and I'm pretty sure it's because of eating several handfuls of plantain chips. I found one or two websites listing plantains as low FODMAP, but then a few cautioning about them because of their starchy content. And I had no idea about plantain chips... whether that changed things or not. So either way, I'm going to stay away from them for the remainder of the elimination and I will test them at some point afterwards.

Other than that the low FODMAP foods have been agreeing with me very well. I've taken to making smoothies with frozen berries, ice cubes, and lactose free milks for a really refreshing and cool treat. I've also been enjoying a sort of brown rice pudding by cooking small amounts of brown rice with lactose-free milk, adding cinnamon, sometimes half a smash banana, and topping with just a couple of crushed almonds.

I've been waking up with a nice flat belly! Little to no bloating throughout the day. I'm still drinking coffee and sometimes that'll bloat me a bit but not much.

THEN.... came the dreaded poisonous sweet potato day. I'm not still sure what happened, but I cooked a sweet potato I'd harvested from my garden. There was a dark green part to the skin and I ignored it. I boiled it, at just a couple of small pieces and started having terrible nausea and stomach pain 15 minutes later. The rest of the night I was violently puking!!! Every hour to 2 hours. It was TERRIBLE. I looked it up and I think it was that the green part was producing a toxin called solanine. I've never ever just thrown up like that without getting some sort of food poisoning, so I know this was not some sort of IBS / FODMAP thing.

But either way, that really threw a wrench in things because for the next 2 days my stomach and GI system were extremely sensitive to everything. I didn't want to eat my usual foods, and then when I did have an appetite the main thing I could stomach was corn flakes. I read that corn flakes are ok on low FODMAP status but I think I overdid it with them once I found I could eat them. So I had a couple of days with bloating and stomach pain.

Now that its been enough time I am kicking the corn flakes out too. I'll reintroduce those later, even if they are low FODMAP in small quantities. I was doing really well just having unprocessed natural foods so I'd rather go back to that and then test the rest.

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